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- Lace is Always Handsome and Fashionable with Beth Chamberlain
Lace is Always Handsome and Fashionable with Beth Chamberlain
May 2, 2023 7pm EST
“In no one article, perhaps, is female extravagance in dress carried to a greater length than in the use of elegant and costly laces and embroideries. Almost fabulous prices are sometimes paid for them. “
Godey’s August 1858
Once accessible only to the wealthiest of society by the mid 19th century lace was found in the wardrobes of many middle class women. Lace was used for everything from small bits of trim on accessories to broad flounces liberally frosting extravagant eveningwear. This presentation will look at the impact of the rise in machine production on who could afford lace and the types of laces available. We’ll look at who was wearing lace, how they used it, and how they wore their lace confections. What about the lady who loved lace but couldn’t afford lace? We’ll look at a variety of home-made laces and lace-like confections accessible to almost every industrious lady. The presentation will also discuss sourcing appropriate laces and how we can incorporate them into our 19th centu