Calomel and Chamomile: Nineteenth Century Medicine and Herbalism with Rebecca Anderson
March 21, 2023 7pm EST
Calomel and Chamomile. Medicine and Herbalism in the Nineteenth Century.
The nineteenth century saw tremendous advances in manufacturing, education and transportation. Medicine would not see significant advances until the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. During the early to middle nineteenth century, medicine continued to base most of their treatments on the puke, purge, and bleed techniques. The Humors were still consulted.
Herbalism and alternative therapies provided another path than the “heroic” measures of “modern” medicine. During this presentation, herbal use is explored. How would a mother on the frontier care for her family? Was information about herbs passed between Native Americans and Enslaved women? How was herbalism seen during an era that prohibited women from attending medical school?
Let’s explore this dichotomy between the perceived “modern” and the older “traditional” approach. Join Rebecca Anderson, nurse practitioner and herbalist, to discuss the history of these two approaches.